A Noble Quest for Answers
Dear fellow Citizens,
Hoping and praying that this message finds everyone well. I want to share with you a vision, a strategy and a project that I’ve been working on for a very long time. I cannot speak for anyone else, but for me on a personal level I can no longer stand idly by and watch what is happening to the country that I truly love. And more importantly once I’m gone and can no longer do anything, what kind of country will I be leaving behind for our children and our children’s children.
Thirty-five years ago during a presidential election cycle, I walked into the voting booth. As I looked upon my two options, I could not help but ask myself a deeper question.
How is it possible that in a nation of 300 million plus people, a nation filled with brilliant minds and great leaders, we usually would end up having the option of choosing between two individuals, which in my opinion are forcing us to having always pick the lesser of two evils.
I asked myself who selected these two individuals? Is this really the very best that we can do for ourselves and for our country? Those questions let me make two decisions that day.
Number one that I would find out who selected these individuals and why. And number two that I would no longer be part of the problem, and instead would try to find a way to be part of the solution. So, on that day I became an independent registered voter. No longer would I follow an ideology based political party, instead I would follow my very own mind, heart, and my spirit wherever they would take me.
That situation set me on a journey and a quest. What I will be sharing with you within this blog will hopefully provide the answer to those questions. I broke it down into two sections. The first has to do with the why? Why are things as bad as they are? And why we must do something about it? The second section has to do with the how. How do we fix it? Please join me as next week we together will take the first step in the journey of a thousand miles.